Wednesday, September 26, 2007

UAW-GM Strike Over

UAW ends strike against GM, NC - 41 minutes ago
Detroit-based General Motors (NYSE: GM) said in a release that the agreement on a new national labor contract covers about 74000 UAW-represented employees. ...
UAW, GM reach tentative agreement BusinessWeek
GM-UAW reach deal to end strike
UAW, GM reach deal to end strike

Info Source: Google News

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

UAW Strike Against GM

GM, UAW Resumption of Talks May Signal Short Strike (Update2)
Bloomberg - 36 minutes ago
The showdown between GM and the UAW, while pivotal to the automaker's future profit and the union's dwindling membership, may not match the battles the two ...
UAW says health care not the issue Houston Chronicle
UAW strike comes as a shock USA Today
Reaction from politicians to UAW strike against GM

Info Source: Google News

Sunday, September 23, 2007

No Smoking - No smoking - Jan 26, 2005
Banning smoking on company property is common. But Weyco in Michigan is banning workers from smoking altogether, even in the privacy of their homes. - 45k - Cached

Info Source: Yahoo

Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors, NLRB Decides Fate of Millions of Workers

Behind closed doors, the fate of millions of America’s workers will be decided by the National Labor Relations Board. The five-member Board is considering three cases which could strip millions of workers—including nurses, quality control inspectors, sales representatives, and many others—of their rights to form a union and collectively bargain. Yet despite the great significance of the ruling, the Republican majority of the Board is refusing to hold public hearings on the matter.

»Read more about these important cases.

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