Friday, July 07, 2006

Thank You PEO Team!

I'd like to take a moment to thank each and every member of the first responder team that came over to recovery this past thursday evening (July 6). Help came very quickly when I needed it, and I thank you! I heard many good comments from the med staff in Jackson about your treatment of my burns on site. Your time and training is greatly appreciated by this PCA employee!!Again, thank you for the time spent in training, and for taking pride in your job on the team.
Tim Davis/Recovery
Tim Davis

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

How much water is used to make one ton of paper?

There are paper plants which has Zero Effluent Discharge. That means these plants reuse and re-circulate all their water.
If no water is reused and/or re-circulated, plant may use as much as 300 - 400 ton or cubic meter of water to make one ton of paper.
Most of water efficient plant in North America and Europe uses 10 to 25 ton or m3 of water per ton of paper.
In English unit one ton (2000 lbs) paper will need 2500 to 6000 gallon.

Alternatives To Television

By: Jordi Shoman It is quite easy to spend several hours a day glued to the screen of a television set. It is estimated that on average an individual watches approximately two full months worth of television over the course of a year. Some suggest that this fascination with television has contributed immensely to the obesity problem in North America. Finding an alternative to watching hours of television a day may pose a difficult task for some people who simply cannot miss a particular show that they watch on a regular basis. However, despite the temptation television creates, there are far more enjoyable activities one can participate in during those few hours regularly spent in front on the small screen.
Since television is a major contributor to weight problems, exercising seems like a logical thing to do as opposed to viewing hours of sitcoms. Not only is exercising an enjoyable way to kill a few hours it is also a great way to burn a few calories. Simply getting outside and going for a brisk walk not only helps one avoid the enticement that is television but also has a profusion of health benefits. Along with assisting one with weight loss, exercising can also increase the ability of the heart and lungs to function more efficiently and moreover help an individual feel better both inside and out.
Picking up a hobby is another excellent substitute for television. An individual can perhaps learn and develop a new skill, such as knitting or darts for example, or perhaps start a collection of something, which may even become a lifelong leisure pursuit for them. Reading is yet another fantastic option to aid with the evasion of television. Reading not only allows one to be imaginative but it also permits the expansion of the mind and promotes mental health.

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy 4th of July 2006

Sunday, July 02, 2006

21st Century Paul Revere Ride

To all red-blooded American citizens:
If you ride a motorcycle, we want you to escort the 21st Century Paul Revere team into your state capitol this summer. Check the web site for dates and times. Take off from work for an hour or a day or a week to ride with the team. Be a part of history - make Paul Revere proud; wear the T-shirt; tell your friends.
Just imagine 1,000 to 10,000 motorcycles circling your state capitol demanding a stop to the illegal immigration invasion of America. They ride into 48 state capitols this summer to show you HOW to stop the invasion. Fly Old Glory from the back of your bike to show your colors! This is going to be BIG!
The ride began in Denver on May 29, 2006 and ends in Washington, DC on August 12, 2006 with a massive motorcycle rally at the capitol steps.
Contact Howard Wooldridge at 817-975-1110 or go to the website www.21stCenturyPaulRevereRide.US.
Submitted by coworker

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